At YHC’s request, there was a last minute Q switch with MacGyver to celebrate YHC’s 48th trip around the sun.
A mosey to the infield for a warmup starting with 48 SSH, which proved to be too much for most of the PAX! The remainder of the warmup consisted of standard warmup exercises including Moroccan Nightclubs where dancing was encouraged.
PAX lined up on the goal line, which was confusing to Charmin and a number of other PAX. After a brief education in the difference in a goal line and an end line by LSU fans, PAX paired off for a modified birthday Dora: 48 burpees, 96 merkins, 144 LBCs. The PAX not performing said exercises Bernie Sanders to the 50 yard line and sprinted back. Thankfully, most PAX knew where familiar with the 50 yard line.
Once the Dora was complete, PAX were treated to a game of Ultimate Frisburpee. As luck would have it, a situation arose not contemplated by “the rules.” Champ used the frisbee to deflect a ball thrown by the baller. While it was a well-played defense, there was no consensus on whether it was a forced turnover resulting in penalty burpees. The conversation continued into coffeteria, but no resolution was reached. To add to the excitement of an already exciting game, there was a mud pit in the eastern end zone, making mobility in the end zone a bit challenging. Logo won the best split award!
6:15 came to quick. A short mosey to the virtual flag for a COT and prayer.
Thank you to the men of F3 NOLA for the mentorship, accountability, and true friendship. Because of my relationship with you all I am a better person on all fronts!