Sprinting for Tacos – from Fracsac
7 pax showed up to do something. YHC burned calories for Taco Tuesday. +1
7 pax showed up to do something. YHC burned calories for Taco Tuesday. +1
Yes, International Mountain Day is really a thing. Started in 1993. So what better way to celebrate than by visiting the Pontiff Mountain. Pool Boy in full snowman attire to shield from the nearly 50 degree temps. Welcome back Logo! Great to see you out in the gloom again! Quick …
Cool temps at the A1C this past Friday. After an extensive warmup, we headed to the up-down parking garage ramp for an Elevens set. Push-up variety (wide, diamond, normal, etc.) up top and squats at the bottom – jogging down the ramp and variety ( back peddle, side shuffle left, …
A rather humid and gloomy morning was upon us. Slight fog and a balmy 60 degrees. A stalled cold front bringing an arctic blast with whipping winds stayed North. Somewhere in South Arkansas, Shreveport was feeling the cold, but not us. Hardheaded is a strong point in my character and …
Posting backblast 2 weeks after – we did a bear crawl relay and pax choice of exercise. Forgot the rest. Just wanted to get pax attendances recorded. 0
Christmas Music in background Warmup Plank pull through relay coupon drill Fountain 20 derkins 20 right leg step ups 20 dips 20 left leg step ups 20 plank walk ups 20 incline wife pleasers 20 decline shoulder taps 20 irkins 20 single leg squats 20 decline step ups / walks …
It was a chilly morning at The Den. Seven of the PAX decided they were up for a little cold weather. Looking at the forecast, YHC knew we had to continue moving to stay warm. This, coupled with a Smooth request for an entire ab workout on the previous beatdown …
The Mothership happened today with a visit by Goose from Thibodaux. Ballast, Heisenberg, Revit, Catfish, Bongo, Dax, Tool, Kennah Brah, Squints, and YHC brought us to 11. Disclaimer made, then mosey. Warmup at the peristyle with some regular stuff and included TIE Fighters. #IYKYK Ended warmup with a mental challenge. …
“It’s Hanukkah…Bitches,” was YHC mantra as I arrived with a whole five minutes to spare before giving the disclaimer. KnOTs headed their way while the real men headed to midfield. The festival of Hanukkah celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and spirituality over materiality as well as the …