
Ladders – from Akbar

YHC arrived this brisk gloom as Waterpik and Hammer were already at center court solving the worlds problems in deep conversation. Moby arrived just in time for the warm up. Today we did ladders. Warm up: the usual with a focus on YHC’s shoulders after digging up fence posts yesterday. …

DIRTY PAX – from Yankee Joe

As we near Christmas, you’ll find lost hooligan souls across the world celebrating the gift-giving game of White Elephant, sometimes referred to as Dirty Santa. The men of F3 Thibodaux are no less hooligans, and as such, seven PAX posted at the Den for our first Dirty Pax Exicon Gift …

Burpeepalooza – from Bolt

YHC took a late night Q spot and sprinted from the car to the flag while giving the disclaimer at 5:29/30 (finding out post workout that it dashed KennaBrah’s hopes to Q) with a call to the pax to circle up midfield for warmorama featuring Frac’s favorite song and the …