
Be Not Dismayed

4 strong set out to get stronger at #RockCity, battling the overly aggressive Metairie Mosquitos and the soccer field turned briar patch. The Thang Mosey to the rock pile for our Warm-Up Warm-up COP: SSH IC x 30; Peter Parkers IC  x 30; Low Slow Squats IC x 30; Forward …

Lucky 7

What a lovely day to post! Seven men arrived at the shovel/flag ready to improve themselves…and they definitely did. After the disclaimer, a mosey to the front lawn of the New Orleans Museum of Art for some COP: IC 30xSSH, 30xImperial Walkers, 30xArm Circles (15 each direction), 20xPeter Parker Pushups…and …

Micro Management

Pre-Thang – Yikes!  YHC almost accidental fartsacked (is that a verb) my own Q.  I snoozed my alarm and regained consciousness 11 min before post time.  After a leap from my bed and out the door – and a perfect ride with NO red lights I made it the #birdcage …

Smoked on 4/20

3 committed men converged upon #RockCity this morning.  It was great to see Ëcks walking up for his second post.  As Amnesty, Ëcks, and I enjoyed some pre-thang 2nd F I realized it was time to start.  Where were all of the Uptowners?  Apparently a mass fartsacking occurred in Uptown …

New Blood

5 strong including 2 #RockCity virgins rocked the Metairie gloom. The Thang Mosey to the rock pile for our Warm-Up Warm-up COP: SSH IC x 30; Imperial Walkers IC  x 30; Good Mornings IC x 15; Forward Arm Circles IC x 20;; Backwards Arm Circles IC x 20 Select your …

THE THREE AMIGOS (part deux)

SECOND HALF -After taking over the reins from Mav, Amnesty got the crew to mosey across the baseball field to knockout 10 burbees -mosey back to the outdoor gym (2 rounds of…): pullups dips rows monkeybars -upper bodies were screaming at this point, so we headed to the outdoor track for 1000m of …