
20,000 FNGs in NOLA

AYE. At approximately zero-six-twenty, Sir Topham Hat pulled his Fiat 500 #gokart #howwillwefit outside of the Doubletree to pick up YHC for what we are sure will be a nice turnout at the second New Orleans launch at City Park. As we roll up to the park, we start noticing …

NOLA Launch — #setafire

After much fanfare and a solid series of training sessions from the master himself, New Orleans officially launched on October 18, 2014.  Years from now, hundreds of men will say they were there for this monumental day.  In reality, it was fifteen.  Here’s what the rest of you missed: The …

Who Needs A Car?

The Thang: SSH x20 IC IW x20 IC Merkins X15 IC Mountain Climbers x15 IC .4 Mile run to the benches Box Jumps x 15 Decline Merkins x 15 Step Ups X 15 Dips X 15 Bear Crawl through the middle and repeat the set twice more 6 MOM LBC …

Three Man Weave

The Thang: SSH x15 IC IW x15 IC Merkins X10 IC Mountain Climbers x15 IC .6 mile Run to the Hill for a Jacob’s Ladder (7) Squats at the bottom with a T-Pushup at the top Stroll to the field for a grueling two sets of Jump Squats x10 25 …