
I See Tundra

A lot of activity going on as YHC walked up to the flag.  Two FNGs and a Kotter from Tundra.  Tundra has been surviving (and teaching others how to survive) in Alaska.  He stopped by to get some F3 in on his way to a year long fellowship in Jordan.  …

Splishy Splashy

Pre-Thang Nice and muggy as always.  Reluctant Yankee rolled in hot wielding the flag with only 15 seconds to spare before the 5:30am mark according to Roots.  Hawgcycle apparently thinks Roots is all fancy with his exact time on the seconds. Warm-Up Mosey over to Wolfpack Lawn Stairs for a …

610 Stomp #1

Pleased to see the Boyz ‘n the Hood walking up as I was driving in.  We made a group decision to plant the flag near a water fountain and were off on the inaugural 610 stomp. The Thang 4.5  4.75 mile loop around city park.  Stop every 6 minutes to …

Fall 2015 Mud Run Pre Blast: LATE Registration has opened with HARD close Oct 3rd!

YES It’s that time again, so get ready…the MUD RUN is coming! YHC will be the Q for F3Nation this year. Your Regional Q’s are being finalizing. Many regions have an assigned Mud Run Q for the Fall, the full list should be completed and displayed soon (updates will be …

Grand Old Duke of York

Pre-Rock: 30x SSH, 20x Don Quixote, 20x IW, 30x arm circles (15x each way).  Get Rocks.  Grand Old Duke of York OYO: 10x: over Mt. Everest, then Burpees (10..9..8…1), back over Mt. Everest, 10 bench press with rock.  Tummy tucks: 40 LBCs, 30 Putins, 20 Dolly, 20 flutters, 15 LBCs …

AWESOME Burpees!

In honor of Mr. Awesome and in preparation for our upcoming Spartan, it was burpee time. Nine men gathered at the flag, and after the disclaimer, headed for a short run to the Great Lawn. Let’s start with 15 burpees OYO. Reluctant Yankee rolled in hot as we began to …

DB Blimps

DB Blimps   Pre Thang: Seven men met in the hot, humid and completely still gloom (not a good combination) and started to mosey at 5:30. Awesome came in hot and was a welcomed addition to the PAX before the 1st COP. The Thang: Mosey down St. Charles and swing …

My Tomato’s Birthday

Pre-Thang YHC arrived a little earlier than normal this AM only to see Jazzy already sweating from his walk over by the pull-up bars.  The PAX slowly trickled into the high humidity gloom Warm-Up Mosey down the track towards the back end of the park for a warm up COP: …