
Swimming With Rocks

After an evening of sufficient soaking, eight men showed up to get better. Seven men started a the shovel/flag and stepped off after the disclaimer. While in the COP, Hawg came rolling up…without the goggles. COP: SSH x 30 IC IW x 30 IC Arm Circles x 30 (15 each …


Got an email the day before asking if I can Q the Friday workout. I jumped on it and was excited as this was my VQ for Friday’s workout. Eight men gathered around the virtual shovel/flag and stepped off after the Disclaimer. As we ran a couple blocks down St. …

Mobile Super Spartan CSAUP

Pre-Thang Five brave men set out to accomplish the unthinkable, a 9.7 mile race with 24 obstacles, swamps, bogs, frigid water, sandy terrain, elevation changes, and slow pokes hogging the trail.  YHC and Amnesty road tripped it to Mobile the night before.  Hawgcycle stayed with the in-laws in Biloxi.  Reluctant …

Heed the Athenian Beatdown

Seven tried, true, and trusted warriors of our fine city banded together on this cool fall morning to prove that the “Spartans” had nothing on toughness or fitness.  They were joined in short order by a warrior from a foreign land (South Carolina) who quickly proved himself worthy of the …

Rave at the Tulane Sign

OK -a very cool fall morning with the promise of 90 temps this afternoon. 8 PAX posted at the St Charles entrance to Audubon A quick Mosey down the avenue then we circled up for the first COP in front of the Tulane sign. The street light was flickering on/off …