
The Frozen Tundra

Never seen a group so eager to get goin….and one kitten lost his mittens(Shorty) 12 men set forth to break in their Qbie, including one from the other parish(Nip Tuck), and one FNG(Snoball).  We started with a brief warm-up at the rock quarry – SSH X 25; Monkey Humpers X …

PIMP’s and other torture

VQ- Done!.  TClaps to the Pontiff 3 (Bogey Heisenberg and The Mutt) for supporting me in the gloom. It was a rough but entertaining VQ.  Almost forgot the disclaimer.  I am by no stretch of the imagination anything resembling a trainer. Pax started with a gentle Mosey to the bandstand. …

Penance for Fartsacking

Cowbell and YHC haven’t started the new year as planned.  We fartsacked Friday, Saturday, Monday and Wednesday (oh yeah, Cowbell fartsacked Tuesday as well).  We had every intention of posting for these past beatdowns.  The typical convo at night would go like this: Cowbell: Gloom? YHC: Yessir!  Meet at your …

At least no one threw up

  Pre-Thang Mosey across Magazine Street for a COP. A toe touch stretch for a 10 count to loosen the hams followed by Imperial Walkers x20; Plank Jacks x20, Peter Parkers x20, and Low Slow Squats x 20. Mosey back across Magazine Street to the row of lights for some “interval …

610 Stomp #20

Five men gathered around the virtual shovel-flag as Shorty walked up with the real one. After a little mumble chatter about concerns of frostbite, we were off. Really? Frostbite??? As usual, Shorty and Side Effects were the fast group and were a blur. Rudy, Jingle Vader, Griswold and YHC followed …

Lynchpin’s visit

First of all Amnesty and I teamed up take Mr Awesome’s Q because he is out of town.  or got a better offer. We had a guest in town from Charlotte/Metro.  Nice to meet you and thanks for joining us! 12 PAX posted in a very gloomy, gloom.  46 degrees …

Three Men in a Tub

While most of you were fartsacking, a few brave men–let’s call them the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker–were ready to set sail amidst a few (as in bucketloads of) rain drops for the last downPAINment of the year. We started off with a mosey to a deadend by …


A small but patient PAX led JV in his first 610 Stomp Q down to Banks Street and back: a bit slower than usual, but better for mubblechatter. No burpees en route or sprints a la Side Effects (except a short sprint at the end), just two moseys around Canal …