

  At first it appeared YHC would set a new record for the smallest VQ, as Bogey and I watched the clock approach 5:30.  Then along came the Triple Threat –  Jingle Vader and two wheeling Hawgcycle.  We waited a few extra minutes by the virtual flag for the rest of the …

Run DMC in the House

Eleven men gathered in City Park on this pleasantly cool morning to get another F3 fix.  After the disclaimer, off we went to the Great Lawn for a warmup COP: SSH IC x25, Windmills IC x25, IPW IC x25, Plank Jacks IC x25, and 10 Burpees for lagniappe. Short mosey …

My Legs Hurt

nice pax on a chilly morning warm up mosey to pay respects to Mr. James Audubon watch out for the deep hole…watch out for the mud pits… grab some ledge 15x right leg step ups in cadence 15x left leg step ups in cadence 15x dips in cadence mosey to the …

Pourin’ on the PAX

6 PAX posted in the pourin’ gloom. Began with splashing puddle mosey to museum and back to peristyle to warm up. In peristyle: SSH x 20 IW x 20; Peter Parker x 15; PlankJack x 15; Parker Peter x 15; Arm Circle x 40 one-way and then 40 the other way. …

Changes then Pace, Repeat

“Look at those cavemen go, It’s the freakiest show” – David Bowie Yes, it was a freak show with 5 guys hurling themselves around the track while temps dropped to the mid 30s…disclaimer reads rain or shine but none today just cold and of course pain. Pre-Thang Mosey to the bandstand for a …

610 Stomp #21

“Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”  – Henry Ford It was a brisky 41 degrees for this Stomp.  Rudy was first on the scene when YHC pulled up: I think he was reminiscing.. anyway, Cowbell and FNG (Rebelette) were next on the scene.. …

Now Accepting Entries for the Official 2016 F3 Race Jersey Logo

The F3 Marketing Team will soon select and unveil a new national Official F3 Race Jersey Logo for 2016.  Winning designs have originated in the F3 Columbia region for the last 2 years, but the depth and breadth of competition has increased greatly this year with expansion. Like previous years, we …