
Back To The Mountain

Pre- Thang: It’s been a while since YHC had the Q at Wolfpack Mountain.  It was nice to be there on this clear cool morning to get better.  At 5:30, nine of us hit the road… The Thang:  Mosey out and around on St. Charles, then straight to the mountain with …

Animal Parade

“To be is to do.” – Immanuel Kant A mere 48º F in NOLA, but the breeze off the lake made it truly gloomy.  In fact, the Pax was caught on camera at the start: Seven men from F3NOLA and one man from F3Hickory made up the valiant Pax at …

The Legend Grows

Five men gathered around the flag in pleasantly mild conditions in the gloom.  After the disclaimer (provided without irony this time), the PAX headed to the bandstand for a warm-up COP: SSH x25 IW x25 Low Slow Squats x20 Good Mornings x20 Mountain Climbers x20. Short mosey to lampposts for …

City Park Fitness/Frigid Test #1

Ten veteran F3’ers braved the frigid (for NOLA) 39 degree temps to measure themselves versus the fitness standards of our nation’s greatest warriors.  Believe it or not JV posted in a parka, snow pants, and snow shoes (practically, at least relative to his normal attire) and at least our friendly …

Windmagedon @ Wolfpack Mountain

The PAX met in howling winds this beautiful gloom, the ground saturated from the evening rain.  #Mumblechatter that Jingle Vader is tougher (or crazier, you can decide) than the rest because he wore a “three-ply” t-shirt and shorts.  With the wind swirling around us, eleven of NOLA’s finest started west …


“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” -Og Mandino   Seven Pax posted this morning over the foggy shores of Okwata. YHC was just about to begin his VQ in which he pulled an all-nighter preparing for when out of nowhere… #herecomeshawg Lets do this! DISCLAIMER …

Woooooo Pig Sooie!!!

We looked… but they didn’t come. Not even one of them showed up! ….Oh well. #KarmaFartsack Anyway, we had a little bit of rain + a little muggy + lots of puddles  = the perfect gloom!  Eleven legendary men of NOLA decided to become better men today!  As Cowbell says, …

610 Stomp #22

“To Fartlek tis better than to Fartsack” – Anonymous A sub-40s morning in NOLA as five men braved the cold to stomp the gloom.  We were missing some of the usual suspects.  Rumor has it that they have started a 6 days on / 6 days off routine.  YHC gave …