Venti 24137 – from Sea Man
Venti is approaching 1 year! 7 pax sojourned to the river and Starbucks! 0
Venti is approaching 1 year! 7 pax sojourned to the river and Starbucks! 0
YHC and 8 HIMs convened at the Den Where the Lion Once Was. Knowing that Achilles tendon injuries were soon to be on the rise due to the Thibodaux “Master Plan”, the warmup was slightly extended. Warmarama: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, Arm Circles (F/R), Cherry Pickers, Self Love …
Conditions: 73 degrees with 81% humidity Brief disclaimer given. With 6 other Pax joining me, including 1 DR, the 7 of us circled the fountain with a warmup in front of it. Double shots with Jack Webb at the Barre. Up to 10 and 20. Disperse Indian Run on levee …
On Tuesday night, I was concerned by the lack of HC’s that I would be the only one showing up at the Goldmine this morning. When I arrived about 10 min early, I was surprised to see Madoff, who was a no show for his VQ on Monday, already waiting …
The Site Q at El Diablo has set the precedence to have a hero WOD to honor those who have paid the ultimate price. After a brief disclaimer and a warmup, YHC complied with the following: 6 rounds for time 24 air squats 24 push-ups 24 walking lunges 400m …
YHC put the call out Friday in mumblechatter and Sunday in announcements as hype-man that Madoff would pop his Q cherry; never did I expect 5:30 to strike and also have to be the Q! A VQ without a V is just another Bolt BD, mosey to the car for …
Let’s get right to it. Warmarama SSH Windmills Arm circles Self love Mountain climbers William Mays Hayes Jr, Esquire (slow Willie Mays Hayes, unknowingly developed by Safety Valve 24 hours earlier) At this point in our warmarama, a figure quietly (as if on hybrid power) appears out of the gloom. …
Picking up the Q at Granny’s proved to be Wild in many ways. First off was the continuation of conversations about Madonna from Saturdays beatdown… Which by the way aged YHC, but probably not to the point made about 130 years referencing things I won’t state here.. See Jose10k, we …
3 at the Marsh for an early morning get together – starting the week out right with good conversation and sweat. School, inflation, a little bit of baseball, and always wondering why people drive up to the park and sit in their cars at 5:30 am. They must be related …
This Q we ran to the Levee and did our workouts at the amphitheatre and along the street lights. We started the beat down with a warmup: 15x Jumping Jacks 7x Cherry Pickers 7x Windmills 10x Sun Gods (each arm) 7x Merkins 7x Mountain Climbers 7x Toe Touches 7x Tempo …