
Rockin’ the Core

On humid rock city Monday morning, 9 pax started their week right. After disclaimer, we moseyed to the pile… Warm-Up COP All IC SSH x 35 Windmill x 20 IW x 20 Plank Jack x 20 Peter Parker x 20; Parker Peter x 20; Nolan Ryan x 10 each side …

Three Legged Fonda

Ei and Chewy found last minute babysitters to accommodate the wives’ crazy work schedules, rendering their attendance at today’s workout possible.  Noshow Libre showed up late; Chewy subsequently dubbed him Lateshow Libre, which is, if you think about it, a bit ironic (see previous Northshore posts regarding Chewy’s punctuality/shoe/sock issues). …

The Real Uptowner

Pre Thang: Twelve F3 vets met in the gloom for the inaugural “real uptowner”. It’s not that we’re snobs, there is just plenty for us to do so close to home. We welcome “the world” with open arms! After the disclaimer we were off on a few short moseys and …

Morning Calling – How God Makes Men Chapter 1 (Pre-Blast)

The Thang Bible study is scheduled for 0600 on July 16th at Morning Call in City Park.  We will be discussing the first chapter of the book How God Makes Men which studies the life of Abraham.  You can purchase the book here: Having the book is not mandatory to attending.  …

Rock & Roll

5 men met at the new Uptowner SF location near the Rock Pile.  YHC snuck up on Boges and JV from the Fire Department Service Road.  Bubba found that my idea about parking across the tracks and walking was not a good one.  The side street ends right around the …

The Inaugural Gnarly Nutria

18 F3 Men and about 25 Pokemon Go players invaded Audubon Park last night looking to do something completely stupid and utterly pointless. The F3 men were a success and I can only assume the same for the Pokemon Go players. Put this on your calendars for July 19th, 2017 …

The Uptown Warm-Up

YHC decided to throw a bone to all those living outside the wondrous land we call Uptown. Lord knows Metairie can use all the help it can get. So off 13 PAX went in a long twisty loop around park. Down the track past some lush trees giving off this nice cooling effect, …