
Bleacher Press-ure

8 PAX posted at Rock City only two days removed from the flood relief trip in BR. YHC was going to bring his wheelbarrow to fill with rocks for the PAX to train for its next recovery trip, but even a Notre Dame education couldn’t save its eventual fate. YHC …

The Louisiana Flood

The New Orleans area was spared from the flooding that occurred last week.  None of us are having to gut our houses, our grocery stores and gas stations are open, our cars run, our churches are having services, our jobs are intact and we are at work.  But that is …

Negativity Abounds

HVAC and YHC walked up from different directions to make an even half dozen for this morning’s Uptowner.  YHC had found a workout called the 1 x 20 workout that I wanted to try.  T-claps to Tool for tweeting out the website where I found it.  I only wish he …

1000 somethings

Getting up never gets any easier, but seeing the pain on the PAX face after the workout makes it worth climbing out of the fartsack.  In typical fashion, Chewy and Burgundy show up a few minutes late for the beat down, but at least they had shoes on.  I had …


With a full moon up this morning, it was time for stargazing. As Bellocq explained to the PAX before YHC was reminded he was Q this morning, Orion has his belt taut as he aims his bow at the eye of Taurus, the bull, even though (at least this morning) …

The 610 Stomp #52 – Olympics Inspired Birthday

Seven veteran F3ers glutton for punishment showed for 6 times the birthday fun with YHC.  What spells more fun than 4-0-0  m-e-t-e-r  i-n-t-e-r-v-a-l-s on your birthday?  …..Anyone……? That’s right, 8-0-0  m-e-t-e-r  i-n-t-e-r-v-a-l-s and YHC thought that if what’s his name from wherever can run a 1:40 800 then certainly the …