
Negativity Abounds

HVAC and YHC walked up from different directions to make an even half dozen for this morning’s Uptowner.  YHC had found a workout called the 1 x 20 workout that I wanted to try.  T-claps to Tool for tweeting out the website where I found it.  I only wish he …

1000 somethings

Getting up never gets any easier, but seeing the pain on the PAX face after the workout makes it worth climbing out of the fartsack.  In typical fashion, Chewy and Burgundy show up a few minutes late for the beat down, but at least they had shoes on.  I had …


With a full moon up this morning, it was time for stargazing. As Bellocq explained to the PAX before YHC was reminded he was Q this morning, Orion has his belt taut as he aims his bow at the eye of Taurus, the bull, even though (at least this morning) …

The 610 Stomp #52 – Olympics Inspired Birthday

Seven veteran F3ers glutton for punishment showed for 6 times the birthday fun with YHC.  What spells more fun than 4-0-0  m-e-t-e-r  i-n-t-e-r-v-a-l-s on your birthday?  …..Anyone……? That’s right, 8-0-0  m-e-t-e-r  i-n-t-e-r-v-a-l-s and YHC thought that if what’s his name from wherever can run a 1:40 800 then certainly the …

Magical Monday

Pre Thang: Twelve men of NOLA gathered in the gloom not knowing exactly what was in store, including YHC. Since the re-paving crew decided to set up operations at a new location in the park, I was forced to modify the plan. After some quick brainstorming and the disclaimer we …

A Soggy Six

The ground was spongy, but the sky was clear. So after DISCLAIMER, the PAX of six is off. First COP: SSHs 30xIC Good Mornings 20xIC Imperial Walkers 30xIC Low Slow Squats 30xIC Peter Parkers 30xIC Pick up a boy and mosey towards the parking lot (with an interruption after YHC’s …


YHC awoke a 0400 to a heavy downpour, wondering if flooded roads might prevent the PAX from posting.  The skies cleared and I arrived to find 11 men ready for a Tropical Beatdown.  I started on the disclaimer, which was apparently all Bongo could take, because he took off in a …

Just Sittin’ Around

With flash flood warnings from NOAA, would YHC have shown up if he wasn’t to be the Q? Would he have just turned around and gone home if no PAX had showed up? We will never know the answers to these questions because a trusty PAX joined YHC. While the …

Seek Higher Ground!

WWL tweeted a flash flood warning about 5am with a simple message: Seek Higher Ground!   Nine PAX including one FNG were unfazed by weather but none the less YHC decided to take heed. After a brief disclaimer we headed to the mountain: 1st COP at the bike rack: SSH x20, MC x20, IW …