
Hail to the Comrade!

After a brief disclaimer and eleven (non) voluntary Q signups, the pax set off for a vigorous jaunt around the park. Mosey to the row bars: 4 groups: rows, burpees, plank-merkins & squats – rotate on 10 burpee count Indian run down the track to the light pole: 3 groups: …

Pimps and Zombies

Five of F3’s finest posted for the usual Wednesday sweatfest in City Park.  Apparently many of the ruckers are still recovering…or just being lazy…or doing Zumba…or???  After the disclaimer and the usual Shorty fartsacking ridicule, our modest PAX moseyed down Roosevelt Mall and peeled off in the field for: SSH …

F3 GrowSchool & GrowRuck

If you’ve been on the Twitter machine lately, you may have seen some PAX throwing out the words GrowSchool and GrowRuck. My man Mini-Me and I have been fielding some question about these two initiatives so we thought it’d be a good time to open the proverbial kimono and let …

610 Stomp #65

3 610 Stomp diehards gathered around the flag in the gloom on a brisk morning, ready to get warmed up.  YHC gave the disclaimer at 0530 on the nose, and the PAX was off.  This on time launch left one PAX in total disarray, but as a strong member of …

Let’s Get It Baby

I love posting with Marlin, because he always knows the exact moment any of us needs encouragement.  It comes about four-fifths the way through 11s, when for the 16th time you are picking up a rock that you now realize is way too big for you and you are trying …

VQ with my ROLEX on

Wednesday 11/09/2016 at the Birdcage. 0530 on the Rolex. There was a brief disclaimer and something about being nervous by the VQ. There was mumble chatter concerning the watch. Some more mumble chatter regarding election results, late night, be tired etc. There was a brief mosey to the soccer field …