

8 PAX gathered for a Thanksgiving eve CalfGate celebration. Disclaimer and begin. Mosey to baseball field. IC SSH x 40; Plank Jacks x 40 Smirf Jacks x 30 Mt Climbers x 30 Arm Circle x 20 one-way and then 20 the other way. Happy Jack Sets x 5 Mosey to …


“The wild gander leads his flock through the cool night; Ya-honk! he says, and sounds it down to me like an invitation; The pert may suppose it meaningless, but I listen close; I find its purpose and place up there toward the November sky.” …Walt Whitman; Leaves of Grass   …

Sun Salutations

At the Uptowner, we are known to not move or go anywhere (sound familiar Audubon Park?) while we lift heavy rocks for our 45 min workout.  After GORUCK Weekend, YHC wanted to slow things down today and get some long term training in (aka Yoga).  Sure, you could workout out …

Conquer the Burpees!

13 Pax posted for the first cold morning workout in New Orleans.  Perfect temperature. I hate burpees and need to conquer them so I worked them into workout in small doses in order to accomplish a large goal. First -we started at the flag with .. 10 burpees We headed …

Happy Hawg Day

Brrrrr….  YHC woke up to a delightfully crisp 46 degree morning.  Today is YHC’s 1 year anniversary with F3 (thanks again to Bogey and Heisenberg for dragging me out), and its been a great year.  I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie, the workouts, the inspiration.  Thank you NOLA F3 Nation. For todays 1-year …

Yoga-free Friday

I had the pax settled in for a light stretching warm up and was about to roll out the Yoga mats when Rudy arrived on the scene. To not further the Uptown image as a pax of lightweights I audibled. Thang: Progressive burpees around the jogging track: burpee plus one …

Strike that, Reverse it!

…yademos niaga siht od s’tel ,semit dooG reyarp & amar-o-emaN ,ffo tnuoC sdnoces 02 IM ,knalP ,pU mrA tfeL ,knalP ,pu mrA thgiR ,knalP :galf eht ot kcab htap trac eht nwod nuR naidnI tnuoc eeprub 01 no etator – stauqs & snikrem-knalp ,seeprub ,spu-llup :spuorg 4 :sraB yeknoM ot …