
Hot December Morning

It’s hard to believe its so hot in December….Oh never mind this is New Orleans wait a day and it will be forty degrees. We started out with a mosey to Oak Ally first running by the female boot camp for inspiration. At Oak Ally we did suicides -10 x …

No Q means All Q

Weather: A surprisingly calm morning at Okwata.  YHC has grown so used to the winter gales creating a tempest of Okwata, he momentarily wondered whether he had arrived at the wrong location.  Especially because he was all alone at 5:20.  YHC also wondered whether JV would have the guts to fartsack after …

Foggy Mountain Breakdown

There certainly are no mountains in Covington but we do have stairs, plenty of fog this time of year, and YHC believes that Einstein could sing a plaintive Bluegrass tune or two if requested.  It was that kind of morning as the PAX converged around the shovel flag in the …

Mission Ispossible

Five men gathered around the VSF this gloom.  The goal for this beatdown was to break up the Pax into smaller groups, then send them out on missions to complete.  Since we had 5, we stayed together as one group for our missions. DISCLAIMER The Thang Mosey over to the …

610 Stomp #70

Nothing fancy about this one.  YHC needs to lose some weight, so I’ve been trying to get some miles in.  Straight out and back along the bayou route as far as you can go in 45 minutes.  This also allowed the YHC, Tool, and Rudy to get some miles in …