
8 Pax & The Hulk

The Thang A group of eight gathered around the shovel flag in the relatively warm(er) gloom weather.  As the clock struck 0530, YHC gave the DISCLAIMER and was about to take off with a quick mosey, but then we saw it from a distance…looked something like this…. It was running at …

Rock Out With Your Block Out

Despite being the middle of December, the PAX was met with a summer-like temperature and long sleeves were nowhere to be found.  Many Saturday regulars trickled in along with a few new faces including Einstein from the Northshore and two FNGs courtesy of Triple Shift.  The PAX started with a …

Uptowner 12/16

YHC joined with Triple Shift and Duct Tape for a good ole no-frills uptowner. Disclaimer and begin. Warm Up COP IC SSH x 30 (HVAC joined mid-stream) Don Quixote x15 Peter Parker x 15 Mountain Climber x15 Parker Peter x 15 Arm Circle x 15 one-way and then 15 the …

Opposite Way Monday

YHC, Amnesty, Triple Shift, and Rudy found themselves on the wrong side of the tracks this morning and were delayed by the train. Just when we were about to circle up and plank and wait for the train, it passed and we ran to the flag about 5 minutes late …

One for the Gipper

Another week, another gloomy Wednesday under the Gipper’s gaze.  And while there may have been very little light, 4 PAX showed up to bring a little heat. Warm-Up: Seal Jacks, Windmills, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Slow Merkins, all 20x IC. The Thang: Mosey to the front of the Justice Center for …

Timer Hate

Seven men gathered around the VSF, cuz Shorty didn’t show…again. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Welcome Mr. Awesome, glad you could join us. In a field on the way to the Baby Foundry we circled up for a Warmup COP…: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -PP x 20 …