
Spartacus Two Rounds

DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey to the Warm-Up COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 20 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.) -J-Lo’s x 20 IC Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it …

Winter is coming

It is clear I know nothing about Q’ing! Thank you to Duey for volunteering me on the darkest and coldest morning while he lay fast asleep in his warm bed nursing a spaztic calf muscle. We left with 11 pax and headed towards old man river, passing the hens of …

Icy Bliss

“Ice, Ice Baby” – Vanilla Ice So cold that JV didn’t wear a wife beater!  But JV, Rudy, and a FNG showed up in shorts… yall made me cold!  Anyway, our Pax of 17 + 1 (find out later) was in a ball of man praying to start.  With a …

Nevermind The Cantore’s

Pre Thang: Despite the warnings from all the weather gurus on the tube, 13 NOLA men decided to show up at the mountain to get better. After a brief disclaimer we were off into the 50 degree gloom with barely a mist… The Thang: Mosey up St. Charles and back …

King’s Day Tabata

Mother nature spared us what could have been a nasty morning.  YHC had been eyeing up the forecast for a few days and was planning for a cold and rainy workout, possibly solo.  Despite the testosterone themed F3 motto “rain or shine”, YHC planned to spend as little time in …

Uptowner returns Uptown

With all the hate, YHC decided we needed more love, love of DownPainMents.  So after a quick disclaimer, The Thang focused on several things apparently new to Uptowners.  Spread the love, and Pain. After a shortish (and unsuccessful) mosey to see if any tomatoes were setting out their yoga mats, COP1 at …

Pull up O rama

EiEi has been recently inspired by the American Ninja Warrior marathon which aired on the (esquire channel?) stated that his New Years resolution is to be able to do 20 consecutive pull-ups. What better way to start than the 1st F3 workout of 2017: The thang: mosey 2 laps to …

Deja Vu All Over Again

Didn’t we just do this yesterday?  Damp, muggy morning in City Park?  Rudy Q?  Yes, this all seemed remarkably familiar.  Headlights rolling out of the fog, lining up in front of the SF (yes a real one).  This time, Da Parish was here on time. Disclaimer, then off to the …