
Sudden Change

As of yesterday, no one had signed up to Q this morning’s Foundry.  So Amnesty, being the responsible Site Q he is, was going to take it.  Dreading some Foundry version of Spartacus, I texted him late last night to ask if I could take it.  I rolled in hot …

A Wednesday Tradition

“To know nothing of what happened before you were born, is to forever remain a child.” – Cicero Before there was Lafitte’s Plunge, Okwata, or The Foundry; there was The Birdcage: F3NOLA’s original Wednesday beatdown.  YHC loves a good tradition!  It’s always good to go back to the basics every once …

610 Stomp #82 – Chaos

YHC was the first to arrive in the gloom, standing at the VSF on this warm and humid morning. Before long, other men from F3 began to arrive, but it seemed a bit unsettled. Rudy started counting, but just couldn’t seem to come up with the number he sought. YHC …

Spartacus Rocks!

Can’t get too much Spartacus…and 13 men showed up to get some… DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey to the Warm-Up COP: -SSH x 30 IC -Mtn Climbers x 20 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.) -J-Lo’s x 20 IC Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on …

Too Tired for The Skinny

YHC drove all the way uptown this morning, excited to welcome an FNG to the fold with a classic Yankee workout.  Alas, as the time drew near, El Wire announced that Yankee was unable to attend – some lame excuse about being “too tired”.  A Saturday Tough Mudder, a Sunday …

Sloppy Joe v Peanut Relays

8 PAX posted on Saturday morning at the mothership the Peanut v. Sloppy Joe Team Challenge. T-Claps to Fracsac who humiliated all other TM competitors by posting this morning and for the TM later today. And welcome back to OSHA from IR. Here’s… The Thang Pax moseyed to the museum …