
Burpee Fun Time

With only Saban’s single burpee on Monday the PAX requested a healthy dose.To enhance our Wednesday morning experience, we added a fun movement to every burpee. After mocking Tickles’ shorts that he apparently stole from John Stockton in the 80’s, we moseyed: 1st COP – the warm-up: SSH x20, Mountain Climbers …

Okwata Welcomes DirtyMacDeuce

“Don’t try to be perfect, just try to be better than you were yesterday.” Anonymous The correspondence that was sent out at the beginning of the week showed no Q for Okwata.  YHC checked his schedule, identified there was no urgency for an early appearance at work, and signed up …

Napoleon Dynamite: “How long did it take you to grow that mustache?” Pedro: “A couple of days.”

A PAX of nine posted this day with an age spread from 17 to 67…so we had something for everyone today, working on our “skills.”  “You know, like nunchuck skills, bo hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only like guys who have great skills.” So with the stoicism of Pedro, …

Superstar Bucktown Coastie

Three Pax rolled to the gloom with the mission of self-improvement.   HAPPY HOLY WEEK!   This week’s Gospel, be it ever long, was the Passion of the Christ.  Several films have been made to illustrate the rise, “fall”, and rise again of Jesus Christ.  This week, bless yourself with the opportunity …

Side of Crunchy Rolls

When I checked the weather at 5 a.m., my phone said there was a 100% chance of light rain. I decided to forgo a jacket, just put on baseball cap instead. But when I got to City Park, the rain had stopped. The ground was shiny wet and the park …

Age is a state of mind

Waiting for Marlin, so YHC’d have some company.  Alas, he’s a youngster, fartsacking with the best of them.  So after a Disclaimer and announcement of the time in Bermuda, THE THANG Mosey to rock pile for COP1: Jump Squats 25xIC (too much mumble chatter about missing SSHs) Side Straddle Hops …