
Hot Box

Following a 2 mile pre-workout by about 1/2 of the pax, 15 pax met on the lakefront for the regular Saturday morning shenanigans The thang: Mosey west for Warm up: SSH, IW, MT climb x 20 IC Scorpion kicks, merkins x 10 IC J Fondas x 15 IC each side …

ABC Round Deuce

Well Tuesday came along and we all knew that Chipper was not going to make it due to preperation for his 2.0.  Torque had a “great” idea that since he was not able to make it the ABC workout that was held the Saturday prior that I would lead it …

Let There Be Rock

Ten men gathered in the gloom in what could be described as a temperate? New Orleans morning to face the mountain. Warm Up Mosey Side Straddle Hops (IC) x20 Smurf Jacks (IC) x15 Low & Slow Squats (IC) x15 Suzanne Somers (IC) x15 Iron Mike (IC) x15 Mosey to Touchdown …

Scramble (Week #6)

6  Northshore PAX converged on the Mandeville city hall for the final week of “The Chewy Challenge!” With the PAX in agreement we have decided to mix up the routine of a 3.2 mile run with some sprint action (5 series of 400 meters) to raise that heart rate for …

The Gipper

I am sure every Q has experienced the moment when he thought for sure the beat down they were providing would cause a tapout of some sort right? Well once again as your YHC leading the Gipper crew quickly realized that would not be the case on this wonderful Gloom!! …