
Marsh Madness!

Monday are tough but the pax are tougher!!! There was nothing different about today’s beatdown except the fact that we are getting faster and stronger! Get that crust out you eyeballs and let’s get this thing started!!! warmarama: SSH x20 ic TT x10 ic IW x10 ic along with some …

Free Throw Frenzy

Great job to everyone who cranked out the Saturday morning beatdown at the Mother Ship. Squats, lunges, bear crawls, and derkins are alway a great way to get your weekend started.  TClaps to Brat and Crab Legs for finsihing the Mosey with a Purpose challenge in the designated time. We …

PreBlast: Keep it Simple

I’m borrowing this workout from F3 in Raleigh, which is where I first posted back in 2015. We’re going to warm up in place: -20 x windmills -20 x SSH -2 x 20 second arm/chest stretches And then we’re going to run. We’ll stop every 1/4 mile to do 20 …


Little did the PAX know, but they were going to more than just a workout in this morning’s gloom. No; they were also going to a premiere. A premiere that may have been more appropriate to be wearing a tux then some gym shorts. Today was the premiere… of the …

Cleansing Waters

YHC was driving to Troubled Waters in the heavy rain but fear not we have a concrete umbrella. As I pulled into the parking lot to notice Torque was already parked and ready for a beatdown. The rain did spoil my plans but I will make due. 0530 came along …

Swim workout

At captain Sparkles house 715 Joans st. Mandeville la. 70448. Aug. 6 1pm Hamburgers and hot dogs & refreshments will be there. Feel free to bring your M’s & 2.0’s bring bathing suits and towels. need head count please let me know how many can make it. 0


Since the pool now opens around 6am, Da Parish decided to keep meeting there at 5:30am for a DownPAINment before we dive in.  So….Triple Shift and Da Parish (co-Q) arrived at 5:30am and kicked it off.  They ran around the arena, under cover, to a fence and then back. COP: …