
Stomp and Sprint

Muggy, Gloomy morning. Typical late summer weather. YHC thought that perhaps the cold snap was going to arrive early, but alas – he was sadly mistaken. Maybe tomorrow. But instead, it was to be another typical summer sweat fest. YHC momentarily felt sorry for his 2.0, as he had chosen …

Laboring Leads to Leadership

As the Labor Day holiday was approaching and Stubhub’s VQ was not going to happen on that day, I determined to be the Q (sorry JV).  In preparation for this Labor Day beatdown, I did some research on the federal holiday to get some background but the history didn’t provide any motivation. …

Lazy Susan

Lots of fart-sacking today with only 4 PAX out to celebrate Labor Day. No need for a disclaimer…we moseyed to the lights: First COP: SSH, MC, IWS, PP, HB, PP (other one) x20 each At the lights: Suicide BLIMPS to the lights intertwined with 5 shoulder tap merkins. At the …

Labor Day Vacation??????

When  you a make a trip to the beach, you  expect a few things to happen.  Things like getting sand inbetween your toes, and running into the water. Usually, you don’t expect these things to happen when you wake up at 6am, or 6:35am if you are Ocho, when you …

A Stroll in the Park F3 Style

17 Pax committed to improving by posting at the Mothership on this humid first Saturday morning in September. YHC knows that men continue to post because of challenging beat downs, so YHC knew he had to continue the trend with a challenging, yet interesting Q. This was especially important this …

Palms over Okwata

The skies were clear, Okwata was quiet, and a brisk breeze was blowing from the south as 8 men gathered in the gloom.  Disclaimer, then mosey . . . a quick lap around the fountain then across the street to the seawall and turn . . . east?  Already the …

The Day After Donuts!

Well The Captain ate to many donuts the day before so there was a lot of guilt that caused some very sore thighs the next day. It was a triathlon kind of day working areas to strengthen the swim, bike, & run. Since The Captain isn’t much on WARMARAMA here …