
Back To Work

Eleven Pax gathered early Friday morning with mumblechatter rehashing the Gnarly Nutria and what coulda, shoulda, woulda been… The “world” won! What’s done is done.  Time to move forward and get stronger for next time.  What better place to do so than the center of the universe– Wolfpack Mountain!  After the …

Double Down

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin It is easy to talk about what you want, but the hard part is putting those words into action.  You may say that this problem could be resolved with stronger self-discipline…but even that is limited. Sometime you may be tired, …

Kimchi for 2

Prior to workout I was battling between which workout I should lead. Should it be a previous one I have done or something new. Also prior on the GroupMe app Chipper was going to run to the AO with the flag in true American style. When arrived to the AO …

B.L.I.M.P.S. at the Plunge

After what only be described as a Routine Victory, three men met the Gloom in pursuit of self improvement in an aquatic environment.   Posting less than 8 hours after an intense competition of brawn and masculinity takes a certain level of testicular fortitude that few men are fortunate enough to maintain.  Tclaps to our counterparts …

The Scramble Sprint #2

The PAX at the Scramble journeyed another new course on this Gloom from the Mandeville city hall. As we started our journey the YHC noticed a late arrival pulling in, to no surprise Sea Bass who is quite the regular at The Scramble exited the vehicle headlamp in the on …

Simple but Deadly

11 PAX gathered under the Gipper’s gaze in the Gloom this morning for a simple but deadly beatdown. Warmup: SSH, Merkins, IWs, Plank Jacks, Windmills, Butt Kicks, High Knees, Seal Jacks and Torso Twists, all 20x IC except for the Torso Twists at 10x.  Enter Ocho, precisely timing his arrival …