
Dog poo landmine for the Q

Hey Guys – Good beatdown this AM.  Sad that I didn’t mention the Vegas shooting.  #prayforvegas  Now my thoughts and prayers go out to all of those people and their families. We started this rainy gloomy morning with a pre-planned weinke but once I saw 2 FNGs I decided to …

One Dozen For PFC Jackson

Do yourself a favor.  Visit the Congressional Medal of Honor website and read the commendation for our most recently departed patriot, Arthur J. Jackson, PFC, USMC.  PFC Jackson served our country with distinction in the Pacific during WWII, and his deeds on September 18th, 1944 deserve your attention.  We all …

This is Bullshit

A sweet 16 slumped into the gloom this AM to ascend Wolfpack Mountain. After saying the words at the beginning that we’re always supposed to say… a quick mosey over to the front lawn of Tulane… Line up for SSH x 20 Bear Crawl to first oak tree Up on …


Yep, another morning at the pool.  Like Dori said, “Just keep swimming…” And for a special treat:  Yes, JV did have his speedo on under that comfy terrycloth rob.  Oh Joy!!!  Naturally, we were all jealous. The Thing:  Swim 100m for a warmup, then try to swim continuously shorter breaks.  …

Pikes Peak Downpainment

After driving for 2 days with my family from New Orleans to Colorado Springs, I was stiff as a board and feeling discouraged that I couldn’t add any workouts to my New Year’s Resolution.  I was lamenting the fact that I would be putting a big goose egg this week …

ISO Suck

Taking some advice from the Northshore’s Turbo regarding this months ISI Challenge, YHC sent out a mission today for 5 sets of 1 minute Al Gore and 1 minute Mission Impossible.  When Amnesty texted me this morning that the hammy was going to keep him from his scheduled Q, I …

Return to Bedrock

Seven strong at The Gipper this morning with a VQ by Moby and a welcome to the neighborhood appearance by Maverick.  After the requisite disclaimer, Moby got down to business with a warmup of SSH 20x IC Toe Touches 15x IC Windmills 15x IC Squats 25x IC and Arm Circles …