
Trailhead Tuesday

Four of the WFP (World’s Finest PAX) and YHC met at the Mandeville Trailhead to prepare for excess turkey (or tofurky) later in the week. Warmup: Abe Vigodas x20, SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, Butt Kicks x20, High Knees x20, Arm Circles x20, Back Arm Circles x20, Air Presses x20 …

2 Years of Rocks

2 years ago, YHC was introduced to Rock City by Bogey and Marlin.  And over 2 years, YHC has grown to love the rocks.  Though, no thanks to Triple Shift, YHC can no longer find the specific rocks he loves, as they have been buried beneath, below, behind TS boulders….  But …

Next Pac Up!

With Butt Splice being down, I was honored to take the  Q at the mother ship. Next Pac Up….that Pac would be THE Manny! Warmarama Windmills – IC 20 2 Eight Count Body Builders Side Straddle Hops – IC 20 4 Eight Count Body Builders High Knees – IC 20 …

Shake down the beatdowns

YHC was angry.  Very angry.  The season had been promising (despite that one point loss to the Bulldogs way back when).  But then, as is all to common over the last 10 years, The Irish ran into a buzzsaw and got demolished.  YHC has seen this same scenario play out …