
Shaking off the rust

It had been a while since YHC had paid his F3 dues, so it felt good to have the Q again.  Perfect weather and a great turnout with 20 pax.  After a quick disclaimer, we were off with a jog over to the fountain side of oak alley for warmup: …

8 is Enough

5:15am disclaimer for FNG Worm Ups In cadence: Side Straddle Hops 30 Wind Mills 20 Butt kicks. 25 ___The Thang____ Four post back 20 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 15 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 10 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 5 Merkins Up and down stairs …

P2-610 Stomp #118

P squared…K9’s Puddles and Pace Car joined us on our run this morning. After the brutal beatdown of our hamstrings at Rock City (thanks Triple Shift), it was time for a nice and easy run of 20 minutes out on the traditional route past the museum and along the bayou, and …

Monday is FUNDAY!

  We just celebrated five (5) nights at the beach for Thanksgiving and I was coming home on Sunday with the responsibility of Q-ing an early Monday morning workout.   I normally have a full page ‘Weinke’ designed but figured I would just wing it because who really would be there on …

Be Thankful

4 men showed up on this beautiful Fall morning for a little exercise before the food gorging of the holiday weekend begins. A quick disclaimer and off we go. We took a short jog before our warm-up COP. SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Peter Parkers x 20 …

Thankful 4 F3

Excitement had been building all week.  Two Yutes was scheduled for his VQ on Thanksgiving morning.  The excitement from the pax was natural.  It’s encouraging when guys are willing to post on a holiday morning.  It’s even more encouraging when a guy steps up and says he will lead on …