
Run for the Hills

Beautiful morning at The Gipper.  Six men strong.  Glad to see Astro and Grundy back in action. Warmup with Seal Jacks, Windmills, Squats, Merkins all 20x IC. Mosey to the Landing for a Ring of Fire.  Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Plank Jacks, and T Stands between plank walks around …

Good Ol’ Boys

Two PAX showed up on time, with a third PAX – Maverick, doing the best Dukes of Hazzard arrival, with a family vehicle, that I’ve ever seen. …flying into the parking lot, shooting gravel everywhere, some of which bounced off the Gipper statue, leaving R.R.’s nice patina, speckled, like a …


Disclaimer… Mosey to rock pile for brief warmup: SSHx25/Peter Parkerx25/Arm C.x20(front&back)/Abe Vigodax15/IWx25…grab a rock, one that travels well. Mosey to the track…here’s where things get dicey, at least for the slow learners. Split up into 2 pax.  Pax one stays put – 8 squats in cadence, then a run to …

Purple Rain

If you live in Old Mandeville, and are up at odd hours like the men of F3, then you’ve surely noticed the otherworldly purple glow emanating from sky in the center of town.  Many have been beckoned by this glow, called upon to find out just what exactly is this …

Methane Crew

Beautiful AM 65 degrees and a cool breeze. Wanted to take a nice reverse lap up and around the FLY. Disclaimer We moseyed to the soccer goal in front of Audubon Zoo. COP 1:  SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squats x 20, Peter Parkers x 20, Dying Roaches x 20 …

Code Red at the Marsh

It’s been fairly well-documented, but The Marsh has been on life support for weeks.  A harsh winter and the prolonged absence of Butt Splice has put the AO into a deep coma, and resuscitation has been slow and unsuccessful.  YHC provided some half-assed CPR this morning, but knows that it’ll …