
A Bit Warmer 610 Stomp

I originally wanted to take the route over the Wisner overpass and do some “hill” work,  but from initial drive by Monday night,  way too much construction and hazards….. Last thing I want to be responsible for is an injury to Rudy disrupting the Marathon aspiration. So we take the …

Are you a 5% man?

Just another day at the Cove: 4 men, 10k, 0445. Pre-thang, Bushwacker was on a fact-finding mission about tomorrow’s clown car up to BR for the launch: “You going?” YHC asked. “Ah, maybe.  Just gathering intel right now.” Uh-huh.  YHC knows what ‘maybe’ means.  Bushwacker himself said it not too …

The Foundry

5 men braved the cold on this morning to better themselves.  The usual disclaimer and off we go. A short mosey to the first COP: SSH x 20 IC Imperial Walkers x 20 IC Low Slow Squats x 20 IC Windmills x 10 IC Arm Circles IC, 10 Forward, 10 …

The 4 Horseman at Okwata

Okwata just doesn’t get enough respect. Let me clarify that statement; Jingle Vader posts to Okwata quite often, so it gets lots of Respect, so it’s the other kind of respect it lacks. YHC read the informative email from our NOLA Nantan at the beginning of the week where, once …

Back to the Farm

This morning’s beat down was never going to compete with yesterday’s star studded event.  Reading Steve’s BB on his way out the door to the Gipper, YHC grudgingly conceded to himself that the likes of Choppa, Ocho, and Nacho Libre could not be expected to rise out of their fartsacks …