
Soggy Bottom Boys at The Knoll

Conditions: Mild temperatures, Wet, Damp, Humid, overcast. Although the rain stopped there was plenty of standing water so we could get our shoes and backsides soaked. ***Great post exercise story below too.  One new FNG on the way!***      After getting over our disappointment that the rain had stopped …

Scramblin to backblast

Its better late than never!  That’s my feeling about being so late for this backblast.  I apologize if any of you were waiting for it’s appearance with baited breath! warmarama: SSH x 20 GM x 20 HK x 20 BK x 20 all IC 3.2 mile run.   Mumble chatter …

11’s Up The Mountain

It was a lovely morning for 19 men to meet in the gloom to grow and improve themselves.  DISCLAIMER!  Let’s mosey… circle up in front of the Tulane sign: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (10 ea dir; front/back/chinook) …

A Dirty Dozen at Okwata

The Pax enjoyed another cool, albeit windy, morning at the Okwata AO.  Before long, the gloom will be filled with thick and humid air, so 12 Pax posted to take advantage of it.  YHC pulled up to the AO and was surprised to see our F3 Flag, which could only …