
Madness in the Gloom

It was a true cinderella story! The dream of young men and old men aspiring to greatness coming true! To rise before the sun. To journey out into the damp gloom, a dampness that foreshadows summers brutal heat that hammers us with the heat of Hephaestus’ forges! Yes it was …

I got a fever……

T-Claps to the south shore and north shore pax who completed the Tough Mudder. The mumble chatter is that no obstacles were skipped and major injuries were avoided.  The mothership at the Lakefront was 5 strong including Rev Socks and Hog Sickle from the south shore. Honorable mention the Hog …

A Buzzer Beatdown

The Scene: The Knoll Conditions: Mosquitos and Mud. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Warmest day of the year. But we still did our warm-a-rama. Started with one full lap ending at the sundial. · SSH – 25x IC · Arm cirlces (15 Fwd/15Bkwds) · Bobby Hurley – 15x IC. (FNG was excited …

The Almighty EH

With a 12 mile, obstacle-filled mud fest of a CSAUP awaiting the men of F3 saturday morning, this particular man knew a 4:45am 10k would not be high on his priorities. However, a simple “maybe-ish” text to one half of “The Northshore Core”, Shooter, was enough to stoke the irrepressible …

Oops, it’s me again.

It’s been gloomy this week.  A good resbit before the Turkish steam bath that is soon to arrive.  QHC sees a lonely silhouette of a PAX ready to go.  It’s Hand-Grenada, our FNG from Monday gratis Walleye.  He’s nervously peering into the chasm for the pumping station into Pontiff.  It’s …

The 40, Part 4

Its Okwata Time. That means its Levee time. 40 times. 11 PAX gathered around the shovel flag this morning in the dark gloom. Alas, no glorious sunrise over the waters of Okwata. The PAX will have to wait several weeks for the morning light to appear during the workouts again. …

Mid-Month AMRAP Recap

At a cool 38° and with the Ides of March approaching, it wasn’t a Shakespearean betrayal that had YHC worried – it was what miserable AMRAP challenge would Turbo come up with next?  So 14 days in, I figured we’d sprinkle a few of the past challenge exercises (italicized below) …