
F3 Thursday, Take 1

There we were, gathered in the 73 degree gloom, preparing for pedo-strata combat like a small band of wearily tremulous skirmishers, ready to embark on Part 1 of, what would be for some, a 2-part F3 kind of day. The insights were keen, though the conversations garrulous as, with the …

Something For Everyone

Pre Thang:   Last night YHC put it out over the airwaves that there would be a separate work out available for those not willing or able to participate in this morning‘s challenge at the birdcage… Not knowing whether anyone would opt for it or not I  showed up a …

3 down and 1 to go!!!

With coupon assistance provided by the Northshore’s unquestionable leader Turbo, 7 men posted at the Gipper this Gloom to complete week 3 of F3 Greenwood’s ISI challenge… By far this weeks challenge in the mind and body of the YHC has proven to be the toughest.. But like any other …

Skinny – Da Block is HOT!!!

Pre-Thang After the Week 2 – Iron 34Pax Challenge less than one week ago at the Birdcage, YHC was supposed to hide those cinder blocks with the help of the PAX.  However, Hawgcycle decided to use them for the same challenge at the Uptowner on Friday.  Therefore, the PAX loaded …

Mea Culpa Can Be Hell

YHC did a no-show the prior Saturday.  He was in Oregon, and neglected to check that he was the Q.  Bad pax, bad pax.  Thank the Sky-Q that Rudy wasn’t there to remind everyone.  Tclaps Rudy for your fartsackery.  So when 86 called out for a switcheroo Q, YHC had …

Muggy Monday

A guy messes up once, and he gets no sympathy.  I suppose it’s a good think to keep one accountable.  Thanks, Rudy.  So at exactly 5:30:00.00, YHC gave an excellently excellent disclaimer, and the PAX was off. First Circle of Pain: SSHs 30xIC Don Quixotes 20xIC Hill Billies 30xIC Peter …

Friday FunDay

Warm up: 5 Minutes Wolfpack Mountain: 12 sets Run the straight aways and completed the following sets at the flats. 5 Burpees 10 Mercants 15 Jump Squats 20 LBC’s Total: 60 Burpees, 120 Mercants, 180 Jump Squats, 240 LBC’s Benches: 28 Dips 28 Decline Mercants Football Up Downs: Finished off …

Can You Feel The LOVE?

We were all FNGs once…BUT….IF….you’ve been an F3 Northshore FNG recently, making your first post at the most logical AO, the Mandeville Lakefront, you’ve experienced some extreme H8 from on-Q-high.  Of course, I would never mention any Qs by name…but a few nicknames come to mind: Turbo (extreme H8), Maverick (he called it “a …