
Put Me In Coach

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”  -Vince Lombardi  Another notch was added to The Foundry belt when 10 of F3’s finest gathered in City Park for the weekly hump day workout.  Lots of themed workouts lately with Elvis, Notre Dame, Iron Pax, etc so YHC …


The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: Sunny. Humid. Watery grass. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Looked like a b-class soccer team as we jogged about 50 yards, and then jogged backwards to the flag. Butt kicks about 20 yards out and then high knees back to the flag. Shuffle facing the road about 20 …


Hawg stole YHC’s Q for this morning with IronPax Week III, and YHC was not happy. YHC loves his precious F3 workouts and these stupid IronPax Challenges were just ruining a good thing. The first challenge left me hobbled like a 90 year old grandma, but YHC is into it …

Wolf-Brick Mountain

It had been 365 days since YHC’s last Q at WPM.  I rang in my 50th with a Q at WPM, and today I would end my 50th with a bookend Q at WPM.  In between, I’ve been a stranger to the Friday morning beatdowns.  So YHC was greeted by …

AT40 – August, 1978

At last!!!  Cooler weather!  It may not last long, but Thursday AM offered a glorious respite from the usual August heat and humidity.  What more could one ask for – the chance to start the day with the Okwata levee, watching the sunrise over the lake, with an actually refreshing …