
Let’s get the summer out of here

  Seven Pax posted at the Covington trailhead & Gipper statue location early Wednesday.  Little hot and humid. …here is how it went short disclaimer … warm-up all 20xIC; side straddle hops, toe touches, smurf jacks, good-mornings, butt-kicks, windmills, imperial walkers, arm circles, hillbillies, mummy kicks mosey to the back …

Tour d’Quarter

My VQ this morning – thankfully Nip/Tuck and El Guapo went easy on me. The workout consisted of a single move: Left Foot in front of Right Foot, Rinse & Repeat 8500 times. Dome Patrol is running-centric, so that was the focus.  We mapped out a 4.5 mile mosey from …

Who me?

Well this is a first… I show up this morning, greeting my fellow gloom-patrolers, only to discover, as we circled up and looked around at each other, that it was indeed I who was Q! Struggling to fully awaken, we warm-o-ramaed: 15xs each IC Toe Touches Imperial Walkers Air Presses …

Feeling Fly

16 bright eyed and bushy tailed pax showed up promptly at 5:28, and off we went…   The Thang: Mosey across Magazine to the field for warm up SSH x 20 Squats x 20 Mountain climbers x 20 Imperial walker x20   Mosey past the Zoo and over to the …

Zoolander’s VQ Was So Phenomenal That No Title Can Do It Justice

YHC did not sleep a wink the night before due to the excitement of his VQ at the Mandeville Lakefront.  Weather and Pax support could not have been better.  Warmorama consisted of the following: Side Straddle Hops (IC) Don Quixotes (IC) Seal Jacks (IC) Monkey Humpers (IC) Twist & Pivot …