
What’s My Name?!?!

This back blast is going to be short and sweet since I am off to train for the Nightmare Before Christmas beatdown 12/16 at the lakefront!  It was a little cold so we just started with 50 SSH in cadence to warm everyone up. We followed that with some windmills …

Pulling a RIngo

New F3 term: Pulling a Ringo = a new member of the pax that completes 10 consecutive beatdowns. Welcome aboard Ringo glad to have ya! The thang: Warm up: Mt climbers, merkins, scorpion kicks x 10-20 IC Fwd, retro, and lateral lunges x 8 3.1 mile mosey regular course; pax …

Q vs. Q at Fight Club

Our friend F3 Bono from F3 ENC reached out to us a few months ago about an idea they were using at one of their AOs – Q vs. Q.  The idea is simple, start with a five minute warm-up, then for the next 40 minutes two Qs battle it …

Paying Homage to #41

“The American Dream means giving it your all, trying your hardest, accomplishing something.  And then I’d add to that, giving something back.  No definition of a successful life can do anything but include serving others.”  -George H.W. Bush   The air was crisp and chilly on Wednesday at The Foundry, …

610 Stomp #171

It was a chilly morning at the Stomp, where 8 veteran Pax posted to get a little running in. YHC posted in sleeveless F3 Garb, in preparation for the upcoming Crazy Ivan! Based upon the outer layers the rest of the pax wore, one would think it was literally freezing …

Tabata Tuesday

Grandmas house posted a respectable 7 PAX, including an FNG on this mid 40s Gloom.. Arrived to the sights of Water Pik and Ringo stretching and preparing under the canopy of lights at the Trailhead. Quickly the PAX increased with the arrival of Coconuts and (FNG) POSH spice followed by …

12-0 at #Rockne City

What a beautiful, cool, crisp day for football. Or at least to celebrate football. So 18 men gathered in the gloom at Pontiff Park in a celebration of Notre Dame’s undefeated season, Rockne style. OK, so maybe 1 man was celebrating Notre Dame’s perfect season, but that man was the …

Rarajipari on WPM

I took the Q this am bc I have been dying to try some Rarajipari after Hawgcycle told me about playing it in City Park for the 610 Stomp. We showed up for a hot 68 degree AM in the gloom.  We had a FNG – (CHIHUAHUA) named after the …