
RevSox’s Birthday Party

The news spread slowly at first but soon gained speed and momentum. The beatdown on January 28th was sure to be epic, inspiring, and convoluted with poor instructions. YHC’s birthday Q was coming and the Pax was coming out in numbers to celebrate. F3 Nation arrived in record numbers with …


CONDITIONS Q neglected to get the weather data, but as usual the AO was extremely dark at 05:15. Tclaps to the pax for using quality, reflective gear to improve their visibility during the scramble. Stay safe F3 bros. We want you healthy and posting. DISCLAIMER Q neglected to give a …

F3 Baton Rouge 1st Anniversary

January 26, 2019 F3 Credo: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him. Worms gave the standard disclaimer.  Megadad disclaimed himself too.   We’ve got 3 Q’s today. In celebration of the first Anniversary of the starting of F3 Baton Rouge at Highland Road Park, called “The …

Dodging balls

The pax met up last Saturday on the lakefront and quickly moseyed to Lamarque st playground. (Almost to quickly as the sun wasn’t quite all the way up yet…so a warm up ensued to let the day break a little more). The pax the divided up into two teams to …

40 Days ’til Mardi Gras

January 24th, 2019. Only 40 days until March 5th – Mardi Gras! And what better way to celebrate than a traditional Okwata 40?!? Even better, its a blustery sub-forty degree day at the Lakefront (YHC’s car said 37 degrees – but that didn’t account for the gales). Good Times! 8 …

Stomps and Sprints

Thanks to Gabrielle, YHC had a different take on his usual Stomp-and-Sprint workout. So Tuesday am, time was right to give it a test run. I think it has some potential, but needs some help. We will definitely try again soon. 12 PAX gathered in the gloom. Nice to see …

You down with O.P.P.!!!

I know what you late 30, early 40 F3 brethren who use to listen to Naughty by Nature are thinking.. However, let’s keep this PG13 and call it “Other Positive People”, “Old People Power”, “Obvious Pure Perspiration”, or simply makeup your own acronym of sorts and roll with it.. Prethang …

Three is the magic number

15 somber Pax showed up for a cold beat-down after witnessing an egregious no-call that sent the hometown team packing. Quarter Pipe summed it nicely upon arrival by yelling “we were robbed”. But after a quick disclaimer we moved forward (we must)…on to the light posts for the warm-up: High …