
Horrendously Happy

Today was a prime example of the efficacy of the self-EH strategy of signing up to Q. After a horrendous night sleep, YHC was begrudgingly ready to get some miles in with the always semi-chipper PAX known colloquially as the City Hall Scramblers. WARM O RAMA Windmills x15 Imperial Walkers …


I only posted because I was the Q. The time change, the Mardi Gras break, the darkness of the gloom- all good reasons to sack. As been said many times, if left to my own devices I wouldn’t be there. Thanks to F3 I was. Disclaimer which included a very …

Metric tonne of burpees

CONDITIONS 7:15 a.m. sunrise DISCLAIMER Q confessed that he was not a professional THE WARM UP All exercises done IC, or in cadence-ish. YHC’s counts were so far off, it was a miracle the assembled PAX didn’t disband then and there. Seal jacks X15 Toe touches X10 Abe Vigodas X10 …

43 going on 44

23 PAX posted in the the dark at Rock City. The effects of the time change were felt as I tried to wake up and get ready to make the trek to Metairie. It was still so dark I could barely see who all had shown up in the dark …

Surge’s B-Day Q

YHC turned 51 and wanted to celebrate F3 style. Okwata provided a beautiful sunrise and a light breeze. First, DISCLAIMER and then Mosey to the Center of the Universe for the warm-up: SSHx51, Abe Vigoda x10, Sun Gods 10f/10b, Peter Parker x20, Parker Peter x20, Imperial Walker x20, Concrete Grabbers …

Strength in Repetition

My first attempt at a MuscleShip beatdown was today and a bit out my comfort zone. This is given the effort of not incorporating running (which I love so much). But we did, and needless to say this eventually adds up to a number of repetitions and exercises and counting…. …

Sub freezing Super 21

YHC arrived at the Gipper with an entire workout planned with my girlfriend Sandy. But since the temperature was a balmy 30 degrees with high humidity, the mandeville usuals took a well deserved day off. With only 5 men by the time 6AM rolled around, the Q had to call …

Runners of the Scramble

With recent Scrambles producing mixed groups of eight in a half, some nine min milers and the occasional quarter to ten/ten min milers this Gloom showed out a heap of runners.. 5 PAX assembled at the flag for the start of this day.. Mild mid 40s gave the PAX a …