
Sunnyside 2.0 w/ 2.0s

Not too gloomy this morning as 21 PAX and 2.0s posted at the AO. T-claps to Gabrielle for bringing the flag, but more on that in a moment. Quick overview for the 2.0s of what F3 means and why their daddies come home sweaty and stinky in the mornings. WARMUP …

Back to Skinny 2.0

There was a solid group of 20+ waiting In The Gloom this cool Monday morning. We kicked things off with a warmup in place: -15 second left-over-right and right-over-left stretches -15 SSH Then we ran. We headed up toward the Fly, then upriver along the levee, stopping every .5 miles: …


At 6:25 a.m., YHC only saw one other car in the parking lot. YHC had a feeling this may be the smallest group of PAX at the Mothership. Many HNJ PAX were at the T-Bois concert down by the Bayou. Few strong PAX were representing F3 Nola at the Spartan …

Tsunami 3/12

8 Pax gathered for Tsunami. A quick run to the corner of St. Charles and Walnut was followed by a warmup: Sidestraddle Hops x 20 Forward and Backward Arm circles x 10 each Imperial Walkers x 20 Plank Jacks x 20 Mountain Climbers x 20 We then ran to the …

Our White Knight

The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: Cloudy. Chilly for a Baton Rouge March. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Looked like a b-class soccer team as we jogged about 50 yards, and then in pairs went to a lightpole about 20 yards away and did: High Knees/Butt Kicks/Side shuffle/Knee over-unders/Jog backwards Jogged to the …

Mr. Anderson’s On the Clock

With a high of 59, 20% chance of rain and breezy, the forecast promised an invigorating and intense Saturday beat down. But instead, morning rain, still, humid air and Jose 10K helped deliver and invigorating and intense Saturday beat down! PRE THANG The usual pre-thang suspects gathered at the usual …