
Speed workout

Something different for pax this morning at 610 stomp, some speed work at the track. Isn’t this why we set up the workout near the track, yet we always head away from it? In any event it is great timing for those getting ready for CCC on the 20th. Here …

Fiat Lux

Seven PAX convened for YHC’s virgin Q. The disclaimer was initially botched and we rudely cut off a biker so it was a rocky start. Alas, got the blood flowing along St. Charles for a few blocks before turning around for a warm-up in Cowen Circle: SSH x 20 Windmills …

Three Amigos

YHC arrived at the Marsh for 0450 on this cool Gloom. As the 0500 start time approached the normal illumination of headlights glowing through the streets of Mandeville were indeed lighter than normal.. With usually the likes of Bushwacker arriving in his winters finest on cool mornings and Coconuts already …

Partner Up the WPM

28 PAX gathered on this beautiful, calm, cool Friday morning. Still very dark at 5:25 a.m…. but YHC noticed he wasn’t the only one using passports frequently these days… Your Mom’n Dem and Half Nelson traveled ALL THE WAY from Lakeview to Uptown just for this beat down. Seconds later, …

Round the World

Gleeful that LSU Hoopsters made it to the Sweet 16, and enjoying some Brand Spanking New F3 Baton Rouge workout shirts, we posted at The Knoll and made the rounds of our favorite workout stations…. INTROThe Q gave the usual disclaimers: I’m not a professional trainer, I’m not bonded or …

No Animal Left Behind

We began with a brief warmup: Side Straddle Hops x 15/Windmills x10/High Knees x15/Butt Kicks x15/Imperial Walkers x 15 in cadence.  We then finished with 5 Burpees on your own.  QIC then had us mosey to begin our commemoration of the biblical account of Noah’s Ark.  We paired up, and …

Old School

It’s been awhile since YHC was at The Uptowner.  Inertia–and the ability to fartsack for another ten minutes–had been drawing him to Wolf Pack Mountain for many weeks, as it’s just a stone’s throw (well, if Mahatma is throwing stones, not YHC) from YHC’s home.  So back to roots for …

I Am Groot-er!!!

YHC walked up to the flag and waited for the overachievers to make their way back from their run, and as that infamous group rolled in there was one notable absentee. Shooter was not among the Mandeville crew and he was the one that was supposed to be the Q! …