
The Millennial Beatdown

Who knew that a workout titled “The Millennial” would actually be difficult? One would assume that given the reputation of Millennials, this would be the workout equivalent of watching Netflix. That being every 5 minutes someone asks “are we still working out”? Instead, we were introduced to a series that …

Coupon H8

YHC is nothing if not not creative. After employing the pax at Popeyes a couple weeks back to transport coupons back to the flag, and noticing how little fun we all had doing it, the idea of a coupon run was born. Luckily, I overbought pavers a while back for …

I Feel the Need

The newest F3 Nola workout exploded on to the scene today with a Pax of 6. This was my first workout with Rudy since he has been back. It was nice to have him keep me accountable on the time as I started one minute late with the disclaimer. Warm-Up …

Round Robin Roll around!!

With an early morning text sent out asking for assistance with the Q, 3 of Northshores core arrived at the Marsh with sights of left over Easter eggs scattered throughout the AO, as if someone had forgotten where all the eggs were hidden.. This crew was sure to find the …

We have 23ish…

23 PAX posted at WPM for ILoveYouMan’s VQ. After a quick introduction and disclaimer we were off with a quick run down St Charles and back to TD Jesus. WARM-O-RAMA 20 x Grass Grabbers, 20 x Self Love, 15 x Windmills, 25 x SSH, 20 x Mt Climbers, 20 x …

Lone Ranger

Arrived to a quiet Scramble with a lot of regulars deciding to take either a smart sack or a fart sack. Whichever the choice there was a Lone Ranger in Garfield as he appeared out of the darkness minus Tonto. After some chatter we jumped into our warmup. All IC …

Rise of the Q

El Wire couldn’t Q this AM – has been getting his butt kicked at work! So I decided to take the Q for him. I haven’t been taking the DAILY RED PILL the last few glooms. After some nudges from Tinkles and Angie’s List – I knew 4 misses were …