
Jazz fest stomp

Im over a week late so apologies if I missed anyone or got their name wrong. We mixed it up this morning. We stayed together for the most part for the first half and had some jazz fest artists’ music playing in the background. After disclaimer, we did some quick …

May Day

At the zenith of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and its satellite states held May Day parades every May 1st to demonstrate their military might for the Free World to contemplate. Fortunately for those of us old enough to remember school time nuclear war drills in which we learned …


A balmy morning greeted us on the final day of April 2019. 8 Pax gathered for a leg workout on the Mountain. We ran up the stairs to the top of Wolfpack Mountain for a warmup: 25 Sidestraddle Hops, 10 Grass Grabbers, 10 Windmills, 20 Peter Parkers. Then it was …

Danger Zone 1 Pax 0

This morning 9 of the fastest F3 PAX decided to take on the Danger Zone. I gave the disclaimer at 5:30 a.m. and we moseyed on over to the Track a.k.a. the Danger Zone (DZ). Warm-O-RamaWe did a light mosey around the track with high knees, butt kicks, carioca right/left …


After a quick disclaimer and Warmorama (18 x SSH, 18 x Toe Touches, 9 Windmills), the Pax moseyed westward and partnered up to commence a frisbee golf challenge. We had 18 holes i.e. crawfish trays (‘tis the season!) with a total course length of ~1 mile. For each hole, one …