
10K Au Lait

Gents, A nice run leisurely run last Sunday with founding member of 10K Au Lait, Barely Legal, putting in the time. Good to see you back in action. In-Time, good call on the Kenyan Shuffle to build aerobic capacity. More of that to come. I urge all to join in …


YHC has been on the sidelines with a shoulder injury for the last couple of months, so he had plenty of time to plan for this particular workout at his beloved Popeyes. So as 10 men arrived in the sweaty, gloom it was time to roll at 5:30am. sharp. Wait….an …

First Timer at Okwata

It wasn’t how YHC planned. It just sort of happened.  Nonetheless, YHC arrived at Okwata in the Lakeview Clown Car on a bright morning, devoid of gloom, ready to lead 16 PAX. Disclaimer issued and a quick mosey to warmup: SSH x 15 ICHill Billies x 15 IC Arm Circles x …

The Bear Necessities (Song)

Look for the bear necessities The simple bear necessities Forget about your whining and your strife I mean the bear necessities Old Grundy’s evil recipes That brings the bear necessities to life Wherever I wander, wherever I roam I couldn’t be fonder, of my F3 bro’s The PAX as fussy …

Like a VQ

PAX arrived at Granny’s, weather warm, shovel flag limp in the breezeless gloom. Much talk of aching trapezius on account of @grundy’s Bearcrawlapalooza. Pik reminded The PAX of YHC’s much celebrated lack of attendance of late by suggesting that this was YHC’s VQ. You know, I’ve always thought that the …