
1.7 Mile (or 2.57 for the fast ones doubling back for the six) Mosey Around Popeye’s

Warm Up Started with lunges… knee low to ground and hands stretching up over head, gentle backwards run and cossacks The Thang Run out of parking lot and go right to running path Stop at .2 mile mark(across from Shelter #5) for another stretch… hands to ground, feet flat, walk …

Blame Abacus

While determining Clown Car participants for The Foundry on Tuesday night it was realized that Abacus was listed as the Q but he has been unable to attend beatdowns lately. So after some discussion of who would Q, your resident relief Q stepped up again. Given the late timing of …

Not F’ing Around

Seven PAX showed up to arguably the “toughest workout in town”. After a brief disclaimer we mosyed to the Tulane ring of power for the warm up: SSH x20, IW x20, arm circles forward x10, backwards x10, Chinooks clockwise x10, counterclockwise x10, Seal Jacks x20 & Hillbillies x20 Mosyed to …

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Pre-Celebration 8 PAX decided to start off Father’s Day right with a Sweaty Bells workout at 6:30 a.m. T-claps to Hokie Pokey and Yankee on going straight to the Father’s Day Race in Audubon Park right after the beatdown. Because of this, I’ve decided to change today’s workout duration from …

7 of Diamonds

19 spritely souls swam through the sea of soul-sucking humidity to stare an unfamiliar beat down straight in its sly, sweat-provoking face. Welcoming of PAX, giving of disclaimer, leaving of flag. Warm Up: Mosey to field in front of Zoo Side Straddle Hop x 30 Peter Parker x 25 Low …


Brick /brik/ defines it as a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building. YHC defines it as a small rectangular block to be used in workouts to accentuate the PAX experience YHC loaded up the trunk of the car with 40 bricks. Thinking …

F3 Quantum Physics

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully …