
No Problemata Tabata

24 person tabata? No problem! We’ll head to they gym today and use the stairs. WARM UPSide straddle hopWind millsGrass grabbersLow slow squatsMountain climbersPeter Parkers JLo’sBox cuttersFlutter kicks Tabata (40 second workout, 20 second rest, 8 times) Divide into 3 groups, each group takes a workout (decline pushups on the Gym …

Sunday Funday

YHC arrived at the Renaissance AO about the same time as Hokie Pokey, and the assumption was we would be the only Pax to post. With time approaching 6:00 we thought about a run down the Bayou, until another vehicle came along, and with Gumby it made us three. With …


Devoted PAX posted unabashed by the threat of Barry. Meeting locale was moved from the Lakefront to the Milestone Marsh. Legal kicked off the beatdown with some warm-ups under the cover provided by Tyler Thomas Park. The rain held off so Legal led the PAX out into the great wide …

The Wrath of Barry

Jim Cantore scared all of New Orleans when he unexpectedly showed up at the New Orleans Lakefront this week. The F3 Nola Pax were confused, as his appearance at Okwata was on Friday, which was a day late, Okwata workout is Thursday. So several Pax reached out to him on …

Twenty Hate

YHC rolled up to The Gipper in the Gloom this morning armed with the knowledge that Grundy turns 28 years old today. What better present could YHC bestow than a proper beat down? So once the preliminaries were out of the way, the birthday celebration began with a warmup of …

Honoring Sgt. Joseph Bovia

Sgt. Joseph “Joey” Bovia, USMC, was a native of Metairie, Louisiana.  He served in the Marine Corps for six years.  Sgt. Bovia volunteered for two deployments to Iraq and his last deployment to Afghanistan.  He was the leader of a combat engineering platoon and was building an outpost to protect …

Stairway to 7

16 men met in the early morning sweltering humidity known as a typical NOLA morning gloom in July.  QIC was anxious to get back to an F3 regiment after returning from a beach vacation where most exercise was pulling chairs and ice chest to and from the beach….oh and a …