
Halfway to 70

Can’t think of a better way to spend the day after my birthday than getting sweaty with a bunch of dudes. I never thought I would feel better at 35 than I did at 25. I owe it all to F3 and all of you guys for giving me a …

Sandbagging it

Started with a short jog to the Tulane sign and circled up. 20XSSH 20XWindmills 20XArm Circles 20XReverse Arm Circles 20XPeter Parkers Ran back to the park and grabbed the sandbag that I stashed earlier. Started running on the track while doing something I like to call “no bag left behind”. …

Am I A Masochist?

Something that Turbo said a couple of months back kind of has stuck with me. He said something like (paraphrasing) ‘I’m not sure there are many people who like putting themselves through painful workouts, except of course Grundy…’ I laughed it off at the time, but the more I thought …

Mosey to the Chickens

QHC thought it was a joke when RY posted that QHC was to be Q at Popeye’s this morning.  QHC had been there only twice, and pretty sure that at least once he got there only by accident.  With a sly smile across Rev Sox’s face, no PAX was fessing …

The Sounds of Silence

It has been awhile since YHC has even thought about a beatdown where no one showed.  Come to think of it, I can pinpoint it to when Cowbell washed ashore this side of the lake.  With Pik consistently posting to the Marsh and Cowbell now consistently posting at Granny’s, you …

Slogging with the Best

PAX think that YHC doesn’t like to mosey.  Well, they’re mostly right, because it sux.  Anyway, you gotta keep the PAX on their game.  So JV-style (not too extreme, nothing Mariah- or Bieber-like), today’s wet and soggy Birdcage includes moseying.  I mean it’s wet out there; might as well enjoy …

My first Okwata Q

21 PAX gathered for my first Okwata Q on a gloriously humid morning, although a slight breeze was present so it made for a much more tolerable beatdown. Since the grass on the levee is still well over a foot high and plenty saturated from all the rain we have …


5:25 and there was some light rumbling in the distance and a few drops of rain, but not enough to audible or change the plan of attack… at 5:30 a half-assed disclaimer was given and 13 of us were off, picking up a few stragglers and a loose pit bull …