

When planning today’s beatdown, YHC decided it might be a good idea to get in touch with our roots. With that in mind, YHC revisited the roots of the Milestone March. Of course Bushwacker, ever the commentator, accurately pointed out that YHC was not around when the roots were planted …

No Fancy names today….

No fancy name but hopefully a little pain; that was the mantra going into my VQ. 12 Pax braved the heat and humidity of an August morning to get better physically and mentally.   Throughout the week leading up to the big event, I went back and forth thinking, “Would the …

Levee Lovin’

We circled up along the Mighty Mississippi. Two minutes after getting ready with our first COP – a barely clothed couple frantically scampered up the levee and ran to their car. Young love. We were perplexed as to why they chose the rocky side of the levee instead of the …

Emergency Free Renaissance

YHC arrived at the Renaissance AO a solid 2 minutes before kickoff with 4 other Pax eagerly awaiting my arrival. Each Pax was a HIM looking to kick off their Sunday right. As War Eagle pointed out at the Mothership on Saturday, the Q should always carry a phone in …

Apparently you just run

What a lovely day for a brisk run around Audubon. We started with two laps around the park stopping at the Magazine entrance each time for 10 pull-ups and the St. Charles entrance for 10 burpees. After the run we circled up at the St. Charles entrance for some Mary: …