

Subjective: The pax arrived at Shovel flag, everyone was happy to see EiEi and Burgundy. They haven’t been around in a while. Objective: Warm up exercises including jane fondas, wife pleasers, Mt climbers and IW x 20 each. The pax then ran 3.something miles, and then finished up with 100 …

Circuit Soup

4 pax met up at Gma’s house last tuesday for a circuit of exercises in the 95 degrees heat and humidity at 5:00 am. Is November here yet?! The Thang: 1/4 mile run around the block followed by -10 Aussie Pull ups -15 HR Merkins -20 Good Mornings -25 Skwaats …

Brick by Brick

DISCLAIMER YHC spent some extra time on the disclaimer this morning. Watch your six. Watch yourself. WARM UP Mosey the parking lot to the truck to distribute 2 bricks per PAX. PAX circled the lot and then to the front of the bandstand. 20 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 10 …

Nothing Gold Can Stay…

So the time had finally come. The great scepter of Q had been passed to YHC, for the first time ever – with wise words from the Q’s before, and much great advice, pomp and circumstance; I had been called to lead and could not refuse. Humbly, I accepted. And …

What’s your function…

7 #HIM showed up at the Fly on an unusually nice, Summer Sunday morning for a Sweaty Bells workout.  YHC has been thinking a lot about functional fitness lately.  How can we bring more functional fitness to the PAX?  Well, the Kettle Bells provide a unique opportunity.  I’m thinking Farmer’s …

Diamonds In The Rough

Warmarama: 10 reps IC for each exercise: Toe Touches, Wind Mills, Imperial Walkers, Slow Squats, Side Straddle Hops, Seal Jacks,  High Knees, Butt Kicks, Forward Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Overhead Claps Mosey Circle Burp…… All pacs formed the best circle that 22 guys could make. Everyone starts doing High …

Holy Grove….on three!!

Wolfpack Mountan…First Wolfpack Q in a while. YHC intended to make it memorable with the goal of 5 “mountains” (in NOLA-below-sea-level parlance). If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. WARMUP Standard disclaimer this morning plus a reminder to sweep the six for this running workout. The Pax then moseyed onto …

You Better Have Glaucoma

Conditions: 79 Degrees, 90% Humidity, Heat Index of 83 Lots of good grass at Okwata and a fair amount of smoking this morning. Warmup Mandatory mosey through Louisiana’s smallest registered body of water, the sidewalk puddle just east of the shovel flag. It was good to get the shoes wet …

A Love Letter to the Gipper

Hey Gipper! It’s been a while. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. In fact, I missed you so much that slow-ass drivers and blinding rain couldn’t keep me away this morning. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder! And, of course, my most sincere apologies for …