
Watch your head

Four PAX decided to participate in the second week of the Iron PAX 2019 Challenge on a hot and humid Monday morning. After the disclaimer, we took on the challenge. “Meatloaf’s massacre” 4 rounds for time (Elapsed Time Scoring) Round 1: *10 Manmakers *20 Overhead Presses *30 Kettlebell Swings *40 Goblet …

Post Iron Pax Beatdown

With my LVCC brother Screw Top still nursing an injury I was asked again to do a relief Q which I gladly accepted. I spent Tuesday night scrolling through the Exicon for some suggestions and found something new (for me) and remembered something that I had not done in a …

The Killer Burpees

We had a nice breeze Monday morning when we arrived at the UNO Human Performance Center for the newly dubbed Chamber of Horrors. The instructions were simple – do the Iron Pax week 1 challenge, consisting of an aggregate 150 yards of broad jumping, 150 yards of bear crawling, 150 …

Power of Two

The morning before Labor Day should be a time to get ahead, so that Labor Day can be a day of rest.  86 on Saturday: “Jingle Vader, you’re Q’ing tomorrow?”  YHC: “Yep.”  Willy on Saturday: “See you tomorrow, JV.”  So who shows up?  Just Douille and YHC.  Carpe diem. SSHs 25xIC …