
Ant Hills, Ant Hills Everywhere! Red (Ant) Alert! Hide your kids! Hide your dogs! Hide your ankles?

So YHC showed up bright eyed and bushy tailed at the Fly in the gloomy, gloom (when is daylight savings time ending again?) wondering if it was going to be a Beatdown of 1.  Lots of PAX out for Fall Break (is that really a thing???).  I was pleasantly surprised …

The other anniversary

A disclaimer and we were off. I intentionally signed up for this Q so that I could mark my 5th year. Mosey’d to the field by the WW1 Memorial. SSHx 20, Imp Walker x 10, Imp Walker Squats x 10, Squats x 15, Mtn Climbers x 15, Dying Roaches x …

Embrace the Suck

A great turnout at the Uptowner as we had 21 pax come out to enjoy another warm and humid October morning.   When I think back to what initially led me to F3, it was being able to have a great workout that always had a different twist; stepping out of …

The O.K.W.A.T.A. 66

Gentlemen, i just realized that i haven’t posted the backblast from my Okwata Q back on 8/8/19. To quote Brad Gluckman from Malibu’s Most Wanted, “My Bad!” I don’t remember the Pax members, but here’s a summary of the workout: Warmup: can’t remember what we did, but we definitely warmed up …

Ain’t Skeered

‘Twas my turn to Q The Foundry this Wednesday, but I was having some trouble thinking about what to do. So I did what any reasonable PAX member would do in this situation: I read a backblast from a workout that i liked, and pretty much copied it on Wednesday morning. …