
Saturday morning plyo

On the eve of what turned out to be a surprisingly strong tropical depression, YHC was looking at the weather forecast for Saturday morning and decided to change things up and keep the pax under the peristyle in an attempt to stay relatively dry. Waking up YHC was surprised to …

Hold It

Mondays up in the Chilly Gentilly are strong. YHC had the opportunity to Q at the Renaissance the day before, which is a great AO to workshop new ideas. Today we got to tighten it up. WARM UP – x10 Arm Circlex10 Reverse ACx10 Abe Vigodax15 Side Straddle Hopsx10 Parker …

Sunday Funday

Nov 3 2019 Once again the Renaissance crew gathered in the gloom. T-claps to Heisenberg who first appeared as a small dot at the entrance to the park, having rucked for an hour before the meet. Our small but dedicated group circled up and got to it. WARM UP – …

beatdown IN the lake

THE SCENE: Spooky Times at Okwata (Tropical Storm Conditions/Flooding). F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Yes!  WARM-O-RAMA:From the flag, the PAX moseyed around the Mardi Gras fountain and ended up at the grassy area between the Mardi Gras Fountain and Lakeshore Drive where the PAX completed:  13 PUMPKIN PICKERS,  13 SCARECROW ARM CIRCLES (forward …

T is Tsunami or is it S

Lovely “fall” morning in NOLA to be running about…. Warm up with light stretching then a mosey to the corner of St Charles and Calhoun: isometric hold lunge 30 second each leg BLIMPS up the hill doing each exercise three times mosey to the benches and OYO: 20 right leg …

Double Booked

I was happy to take the fill-in Q though during my pre-workout moment of silence in the bathroom I checked my calendar for the day and saw I had a 6:30 meeting. Oops. Too late now- will just have to modify. Plus the pax always likes a quick run around …

The No Power Menu

10 men braved the Olga aftermath to see what was on the No Power Menu this past Saturday.  YHC may not be able to remember much of what was actually on the menu, but I can tell you what was not on the menu: a fun game of mud football …