
Marsh Tabata

The theme of the day was a Tabata Workout at the Marsh. Warmup of Good Mornings, Windmills, Arm Circles (forward and reverse), then mosey over to playground for a quick set of 5 pull ups. Last warmup was Mosey around the block before… The THANG started… Sets of 1 minute …

The Range

Conditions: Foggy, 52 degrees, 100% humidity, Friday the 13th. The Thang Wolfpack Mountain The Warm-up consisted of running to the top of Wolfpack Mountain and doing the following:  Peter Parkers x 20; 5 rounds of Happy Jacks; Merkins x 10.  Ran down the ramps to… Wolfpack Hill Circled up at …

21 Gun Salute

21 PAX braved the foggy Mandeville Lakefront for the running of the H8! After 20 SSHs IC and a short mosey down the Lakefront, the PAX pumped themselves up for a 45 minute DownPAINment on the weekend. It looked like this: First round of one burpee (with eight hand release …

Nippy at the Gippy

‘Twas a little nippy at the Gipper this Wednesday. So a hardy warm-up was the order for the day. ICx20; toe-touches, arm circles, seal jacks, ss-hops, imperial walkers Mosey over to the Taj-Mahal for a ring of fire. One counter-clockwise bearcrawl with merkins along the way. Break for a set …

Tony Little’s haircut

Gentlemen, it was a brisk morning on the Lakefront today; which got me thinking about how working out indoors might be nice; which then got me thinking about which exercises I would do if I were in the gym; which then got me thinking about the different gym equipment I …


praise the Lord it wasn’t raining!!! Was gonna skip this one due to the cold front but then briefs reminded me the night before that I was q ing. Yikes warm up: ssh, self love, windmills, mosey to the track with high knees, butt kicks, karaoke. we used half the …